Recommended by Known Unknown, Brendan Rizzo.Comments: Be warned that this series contains a lot of bathroom humor.This series has more humor in it, as well as ridiculously over-the-top violence. Synopsis: Inspired by Mario Brothers, the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom decide to finish off the koopas once and for all after tragedy strikes.Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom (viewable in part 1 here Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 '' by Randy Solem Give it a good read through and you'll find yourself wanting it to be an actual game! Comments: An interesting take on Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina as transforming superheroines in their own adventure, and a very well thought out game idea (Better than Super Princess Peach, at that).Gadd, they've got a new kind of power to strike back. Synopsis: A game idea that revolves around Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina coming together in their own adventure.Soon, the brothers will be thrust into the middle of a decades-old clash that will change their fate and define their legacies as heroes.

General Fics Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast.